This blog is a notebook concerning the austrian presidency here in vienna and european activities
Dienstag, Jänner 31, 2006
Freitag, Jänner 27, 2006
Donnerstag, Jänner 26, 2006
adele bloch bauer
the picture adele bloch bauer is now called mona lisa of belvedere . the austrian republic is thinking about to buy it back from maria altmann
Dienstag, Jänner 24, 2006
bruno kreisky verleihung 2006
quotation of the day
the aim of austrian presidency is not to convert austrians to european idea but to convert europeans to austria
get it ?
Montag, Jänner 23, 2006
sound of europe Konferenz "The Sound of Europe" 26. - 28. JännerKonferenz "The Sound of Europe" 26. - 28. JännerKonferenz "The Sound of Europe" 26. -

The conference logo is the work of Rem Koolhaas, and is a variation on the Austrian Presidency logo. During the conference, Ars Electronica Linz will arrange projections and installations echoing contributions to the debate.
affaire saliera

the thief of saliera has been identified and captured
Cellini-Salzfass, die einzige sicher von Benvenuto Cellini (* 1500 Florenz, † 1571 ebenda) stammende, erhalten gebliebene Goldschmiedearbeit im Stil der Spätrenaissance; für Franz I. von Frankreich 1540-43 angefertigt, gelangte als Geschenk Karls IX. an Erzherzog Ferdinand II. (von Tirol) in habsburgischem Besitz, heute im Wiener Kunsthistorischen Museum.
affaire klimt

in 1998 Austrian government edited a law in order to permit the beginning of the trial of Klimt affaire. In 1998 Austria had in charge for the first time presidency of eu. seven years later finally the pictures are restituted to their owner maria altmann, who is the niece of adele bloch blauer and lives now in california. and it is the second ausrian presidency. i think that the government choose this timing on purpuse in order to show europe and the world that they have a good conscience wih past history.
actually the debate about the restitution of the five klimt picture is significant for austrian identity. 50 years the five picture were in beledere national gallery and nobody noticed them. now that they will probably go to us it is a national euphory. good point forthe government: this picture debate keeps public attention away from government buziness.
Donnerstag, Jänner 19, 2006
Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers, 19.-21.1.2006, Villach:
Villach what a nice city . it is the capital of carinthia and Haider is the Landeshauptmann (Main representative ) of this county.and the Bzö minister for spcial and employment is Ursula Haubner who is the sister of Haider.
Mittwoch, Jänner 18, 2006
Samstag, Jänner 14, 2006
chamber of workers discusses bolkensteins directive on services
great discussion in the chamber of workers about Bolkensteins directive on services.
Mittwoch, Jänner 11, 2006
call for relatives

on sunday there was a terrific reportage on orf : similar to the soap csi they tried to proove if the legend of the mozart skull, that is kept in mozartem is order to proove that the exhumed skeletons of four relatives of mozart and send two teeth of mozart skull to a dna labor in US. actually i felt asleep and i missed the ending and the terrific result. later i read in the newspaper that they didn´t find a 100%proof. so now they have made a call of relatives of mozart. would be interesting to apply , if you are a relative you might get some authors rights ?
Dienstag, Jänner 10, 2006
Montag, Jänner 09, 2006
Montag, Jänner 02, 2006
chess with mozart

wolfgang von kempen´s famous chessmachine was a sensation in 1768 when he presented this chessturc to her empress marie theresia. till now it was not possible to find out who was the first person who conducted this machine from the inside of the chessturc. the college of pataphysique found recently a letter from a person who observed 12 yeras old mozart playing chess with wolfgang from kempen in the taronicafe a chessacafe in the center of vienna. was mozat the first turc who directed the machne from the inside ?
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