Freitag, März 31, 2006

BAWAG scandal

Six years ago Bawag bank ( who is owned by trade union ÖGB) nearly had a crash because of suspect speculations in Caribic. ÖGB president Vertznetisch prevented the disaster. everybody of course knew about the disaster inside the financial circles. now that legistative elections will take place the scandal has been revealed . spö is hardly dammaged from this. It has lost its trade union president and has lost credebility.

Samstag, März 25, 2006

La reverence

President Chirac fait ses hommages à Madame Plassnik. I like this picture

EUROPA in sugar icing marcipan by DEMEL

Barroso´s birthday cake on top of the cake is Europa on her Taurus click on the picture to see it properly

Brussels Council meeting

le debat : On pouvait dire... Oh! Dieu!... bien des choses en somme.
En variant le ton,-par exemple, tenez:
Agressif: " Moi, Monsieur, si j'avais un tel nez,
Il faudrait sur-le-champ que je me l'amputasse ! "
Amical: " Mais il doit tremper dans votre tasse !
Pour boire, faites-vous fabriquer un hanap! "
Descriptif: " C'est un roc ! . .. c'est un pic ! . . . c'est un cap !
Que dis-je, c'est un cap ?. .. C'est une péninsule ! "
tirade du nez cyrano de bergerac


inauguration of locomotive with the name EUROPA

Conference on tourism

Sonntag, März 19, 2006

Conference of Education Ministers 16 /17 march

Education for the balkan
Vienna. The education pact with the Balkans was concluded today, Friday, at the Conference of Education Ministers in Vienna. This means the Western Balkan countries will also be able to take part in the successful European mobility programmes from 2007

Mahmoud Abbas in Vienna and at IEAO

Hosni Mubarak (MP EGYPT) in Vienna

Sonntag, März 12, 2006

meeting in lech

get a growth of 1 % till 2010

Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers (Gymnich meeting), 10-11 March, Salzburg

FPÖ organizes referendum

greenparty investigated schloss schönbrunn theater

cohn bendit with segolene royal and others....

Donnerstag, März 09, 2006


Eu verkehrsminister


Innsbruck meeting of ministers of defense

Donnerstag, März 02, 2006

europa ohne grenzen

europa ohne grenzen - beispiele zur entstehung
der künstlerischen vielfalt europas

Eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums anlässlich der Ratspräsidentschaft Österreichs in der Europäischen Union
14. März bis 5. Juni 2006
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Sonderausstellungssaal

Das Kunsthistorische Museum veranstaltet aus Anlass der Ratspräsidentschaft Österreichs in der Europäischen Union von 14. März bis 5. Juni 2006 im Saal VIII. eine Ausstellung aus den Beständen der Gemäldegalerie, der Kunstkammer sowie der Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer zum Thema eines Europa ohne Grenzen.

Strengthening the European Creative Industries in the Light of the i2010-Strategy (Vienna, 2-3 March 2006)

During the Austrian Presidency of the EU the Federal Chancellery is organising an Expert Seminar with the title Content for Competitiveness – Strengthening the European Creative Industries in the Light of the i2010-Strategy in close cooperation with the European Commission. The Seminar is scheduled to be held in Vienna (Hofburg) from 2 to 3 March 2006

Strengthening Higher Education in South East Europe

Strengthening Higher Education in South East Europe: Priorities for Regional and European Cooperation"
University of Vienna, Austria
2-3 March 2006

israels foreign minister in vienna

Plassnik: "Two-state solution in the Middle East remains our common goal"