This blog is a notebook concerning the austrian presidency here in vienna and european activities
Sonntag, April 30, 2006
rudolf the film
rudolf the film about sisi´s unfortunate son, who shot himself with marie vetsera at mayerling castle in 1889 , (or was it a political murder ordered by prussian spies ?) will be shown on Tv and soon come to at least 15 european countries.
its is featuring max von thun, omar sharif, klaus maria brandauer, francesca habsbourg,.....
and me in a leading 2 sec role...
TOBIN Tax (sorry)
Tobin tax, a concept imagined by attac is approuved by all four parties in austria. this tax should allow eu to have its own ressources.
Freitag, April 28, 2006
eu foreign ministers will discuss constitution....
eu foreign ministers will discuss constitutionand enlargement in klosterneuburg
bawag versus EU
Bawag scandal is right on time to occupy austrian little mind. while austrians are preoccupied with bawag scandal and wonder who they will vote for in october (another great preoccupation of austrians is who wil win dancing stars shown every friday on orf) nothing is really said about brussels or even eu presidency. schüssel is doing this on purpuse in order to win next elections. austrians are not very found of eu therefore he minimize publicity on eu activities and eu presidency
great deal.
young journalists and their vision of europe
bruno kreisky forum : great conference about young journalists and their vision of europe
by and with Barbara Tóth
The Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue kindly invites to
Young European Journalists and Their Visions of Europe
Götz Hamann, Flaviano Masella, Katerina Săfariková, Slawomir Sierakowski, Barbara Tóth
Dienstag, April 25, 2006
Informal Meeting of Health Ministers on 25-26 April in Vienna
fight diabetes is a big deal
Freitag, April 21, 2006
Osteuropa-Forum:"Südosteuropa: Traditionen als Macht"
Serbiens Ex-Außenminister Svilanovic kritisiert EU. "Beitrittsperspektive für Balkan wurde verwässert" Er wisse natürlich um die Erweiterungsmüdigkeit in der EU, so Svilanovic. Gerade deshalb sei aber "Leadership" der europäischen Politiker gefragt. "Sie müssen vor die Wähler hintreten und ihnen die europäische Idee erklären." Die Europäer würden ja ebenso etwa von Serbien verlangen, die Bevölkerung von unangenehmen Dingen zu überzeugen. "Man fordert von Premier Kostunica und Präsident Tadic, sie sollen der Bevölkerung erklären, dass Kosovo für Serbien verloren ist."

Service for the Informal Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers on 21-22 April in Graz
Dienstag, April 18, 2006
"EU ließ sich Heft aus Hand nehmen"
Interview. Wolfgang Petritsch, ehemaliger Hoher Repräsentant in Sarajewo, vermisst europäisches Leadership in Bosnien und kritisiert Widerstand gegen EU-Beitritt des Balkans.
slowenia wants to introduce euro
slowenia wants to introduce euro on 1. january 2007 and use Lippizaner on their coins (the original country of white horses is slowenia) originally the horses come from spain.
Mittwoch, April 12, 2006
Subsidiarity conference "Europe begins at home", 18-19 April
Citizen-based policies: the contribution of the regions and the local authorities
Subsidiarity and proportionality: the role of parliaments
Subsidiarity and better regulation
Chancellor Schüssel: Subsidiarity as a remedy for democratic deficits
Sonntag, April 09, 2006
asem meeting in vienna

viva la globalization ! Grasser: All must benefit from globalisation, "This 7th ASEM meeting has sent a clear message: together Europe and Asia are stronger. It is therefore important to have this forum for regular dialogue. This meeting has brought the two biggest world economies closer together", Federal Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser said at the press conference at the close of the ASEM Finance Ministers’ meeting in Vienna, which ended on Sunday.
ecofin in vienna
slovenia will join eurozone in 2007
Grasser: The internal market must be completed, “We want to set a course towards a more competitive Europe, towards more investment in Europe and towards secure jobs. There was broad agreement on this on the part of the ministers. We want to see things get done. One thing is certain: the internal market must be completed. That means less fragmentation, greater deregulation, more liberalisation and fewer — but more efficient — regulations”, Federal Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser, President of the Ecofin Council, said at the press conference during the informal meeting of Economics and Finance Ministers in Vienna, which ended on Saturday.
Dienstag, April 04, 2006

sur les traces de Flaubert, Gérard de Nerval, La Grande Odalisque est un tableau de Dominique Ingres peint en 1814,Pierre Loti,Flaubert et Michelet (voir article)
presentation of Anna Lindt Foundation at Diplomatische Akademie and concert with TImna Brauer
Sonntag, April 02, 2006
schüssel and flowers
right on time for election in october /november this year a new book came out showing ÖVP ministers at garden work
ghengis Khan ante porta
great exhibition of genghis khan at Burg schallaburg. in 12?? something he was already once in front of viennas doors. mongols are suposed to be great equestrians