Montag, Mai 29, 2006

eu constitution

meeting of klosterneuburg gave at least two results: constitution will be rediscused in 2007 while the german presidency . mme merkel wants to rethink the present constitution. the another possitive result: a date has been fixed. till 2009 the constitution or treaty shoud me modified in order to change redistribution in eu 25 (eu 27 at this time ?)

Samstag, Mai 27, 2006

Bulgaria goes EU

great conference about Bulgarians accession on tuesday. report og commission is confident of bulgaria´s accession in 2007.

Relaunch of eu constitution DA Vinci code III

Klosterneuburg: the monestry of klosterneuburg outside viena is the shot screening place of relaunch of da vinci code III, the remake of the constitutional treaty.

eu needs a good story

"EU braucht eine gute Story" REM KOOLHAAS

westenthaler back in policy

peter westenthaler wants to save BZÖ (Bundnis ohne Zukunft) now at 0, 000001 % of popularity

Franz Vranitzky critizise EU presidency

Franz Vranitzky ( SPÖ), ancient chancellor of Austria, winner of Karlsprize 1995
critize eu presidency: there is no content , just a very good "mise en scene " of the government.

EU Russia summit

for a strange reason russia didn´t accept liberalization of energy in russia

Freitag, Mai 19, 2006

da vinci code

how to handle a....

mozart auf der couch

VGE in Vienna

Dienstag, Mai 16, 2006

united colors of europe

european fashion summit tonight in hofburg

die zauberflöte by krystian LUPA

The magical flute has been adapted by Krystian Lupa in vienna. Whole Poland assisted at the premiere. austrian people didn´t appreciate adaptation. it was grey and not magic. Austrians never accept what they don´t know or they don´t understand. i think that it was simply great. the same production will be in aix this summer. i hope french will be a little more open for this adaptation.

Montag, Mai 15, 2006

samba queen manifested for green peace

press conferences livestreaming

alternativ gipfel

chavez and morales , daughter of che guevera assited alternative conferences

Freitag, Mai 12, 2006


hugo chavez superstar, president of venezuela
morales, president of bolivia defends privatisation of energy
kofi annan , secretary general of un
Vicente Fox , president of mexico on defensive about corruption accusations
daughter of Che-Guevara assists alternative congress : versus suez, bayer, BP, benetton activities in latin america

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva , president of brasilia
Michelle Bachelet , new president of chili

signature of a pact EU &Mercosur (Brasilien, Argentinien, Paraguay und Uruguay)?
declaration of eulac ?

eu afrika meeting on monday

who has talked about eu afrika meeting on monday (sic)

Dienstag, Mai 09, 2006

macedonia goes eu

yesterday foreign minister of macedonia made a charm ofensive in order to persuade austrian presidency to accelerate enlargement to balkan states

the congress dances tango

Wien setzt auf Folklore

EU-Lateinamerikagipfel in Wien - das größte Gipfeltreffen seit dem Wiener Kongress von 1815. Wien steht in dieser Woche ganz im Zeichen des EU-Lateinamerikagipfels (EULAC), für den zwischen 11. und 13. Mai rund 60 Staats- und Regierungschef in der Wiener Messe erwartet werden.

The Europe Journal

The Europe Journal
On May 9, a European newspaper will be published across Europe. In this special edition of the widely respected Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.), the newspaper’s wide network of correspondents will report from 27 countries. This newspaper for Europe Day 2006 will be published both in German and in English. The German version also will be available in the daily edition of the F.A.Z.

Montag, Mai 08, 2006

cafe de l´europe

Cafe de l´europe

Freitag, Mai 05, 2006

letter to the stars

white roses are spread everywhere in vienna where gestapo has killed or arrested jewish or even not jewish people

Donnerstag, Mai 04, 2006

Konzert für Europa

Wien - Startenor Placido Domingo wird am 2. Juni beim zum dritten Mal stattfindenden "Konzert für Europa" im Schlosspark Schönbrunn die Wiener Philharmoniker dirigieren, gab am Mittwoch der Veranstalter bekannt.

conference of ministers of interiors in vienna

Conference on taxes

Representation of european parliament organzied a conference on european budget:
great discussion about taxpolitics of european union:

qst: ist it useful to have a proper tax of european union ?

1) tax on kerosene / aircraft : Flights are not taxed !!!! a tax on kerosene would bring 20-40 billions € !!!
2) tobin tax

no against körperschaftssteuer ( tax of firms )und kopfsteuer (tax on everyone)